April fools day.
Un elefante se balanceaba sobre la tela de una arana . . .

The Ides of March (Hablando con la abuelita)

Photo shoot: February 16

Pie de limon
February 10

According to our bird-watcher's guide, this is some kind of domestic amphibious flamingo.
(February 5)
January 28
The room (el cuartito).
La Bata Magica!
January 19, 2008
January 11
New Year's eve 07-08
December 27, 2007 ("They say that swimming is the best . . . ")
December 24, 2007
December 15, 2007
Ingrid Bergman, waiting for the next train.
December 11, 2007
"Chompazul," November 30, 2007
Thanks-g 2007